If you liked the old PSP 2000 and you found it quite ok, I think there will be no reason why you shouldn’t like Sony’s new PSP 3000 upgrade. The main difference between the two it is that the new PSP 3000 has brighter, increased contrast. PSP 3000 also features a wider color gamut screen, which, in my opinion will make new friends among PSP lovers. As we expected, the interlacing issues have not been completely solved, but I believe it looks better than old PSP 2000.
So would you really want to upgrade your PSP 2000? Not yet I should say, because the interlace is not way better on the PSP 3000. Another reason for which you may want to stick to your old PSP is that the games you can play are the same and the hakers didn’t have enough time to get their hands on the new PSP and mess a little with it. As you know, Sony encountered problems with piracy, so I believe that Sony had enhanced the anti-piracy measures, but I don’t think this will be a problem for the haking community as they managed to hack the 5.0 release just two days after the launch.

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